828 research outputs found

    In situ SERS detection of dissolved nitrate on hydrated gold substrates

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    The accurate and fast measurement of nitrate in seawater is important for monitoring and controlling water quality to prevent ecologic and economic disasters. In this work we show that the in situ detection of nitrate in aqueous solution is feasible at nanomolar concentrations through surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) using native nanostructured gold substrates without surface functionalization. Spectra were analyzed as collected or after standard normal variate (SNV) normalization, which was shown through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce spectral variations between sample sets and improve Langmuir adsorption model fits. An additional normalization approach based on the substrate silicon template showed that silicon provided an internal standard that accounted for the spectral variance without the need for SNV normalization. Nitrate adsorption was well-described by the Langmuir adsorption model, consistent with an adsorbed monolayer, and a limit of detection of 64 nM nitrate was obtained in ultrapure water, representing environmentally relevant concentrations. Free energy calculations based on the Langmuir adsorption constants, approximating equilibrium adsorption constants, and calculated self-energy arising from image charge, accounting for electrostatic interactions with a polarizable nanostructured substrate, suggest that nitrate adsorption was partially driven by an entropy gain presumably due to dehydration of the gold substrate and/or nitrate ion. This work is being extended to determine if similar statistical and normalization methods can be applied to nitrate detection in complex natural waters where non-target ions and molecules are expected to interfere

    Frustrated collisions and unconventional pairing on a quantum superlattice

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    We solve the problem of scattering and binding of two spin-1/2 fermions on a one-dimensional superlattice with a period of twice the lattice spacing analytically. We find the exact bound states and the scattering states, consisting of a generalized Bethe ansatz augmented with an extra scattering product due to "asymptotic" degeneracy. If a Bloch band is doubly occupied, the extra wave can be a bound state in the continuum corresponding to a single-particle interband transition. In all other cases, it corresponds to a quasi-momentum changing, frustrated collision.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Facial behavior

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    : We provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art regarding research on facial behavior from what we hope is a well-balanced historical perspective. Based on a critical discussion of the main theoretical views of nonverbal facial activity (i.e., affect program theory, appraisal theory, dimensional theory, behavioral ecology), we focus on some key issues regarding the cohesion of emotion and expression, including the issue of “genuine smiles.” We argue that some of the challenges faced by the field are a consequence of these theoretical positions, their assumptions, and we discuss how they have generated and shaped research. A clear distinction of encoding and decoding processes may prove beneficial to identify specific problems – for example the use of posed expressions in facial expression research, or the impact of the psychological situation on the perceiver. We argue that knowledge of the functions of facial activity may be central to understanding what facial activity is truly about; this includes a serious consideration of social context at all stages of encoding and decoding. The chapter concludes with a brief overview of recent technical advances and challenges highlighted by the new field of “affective computing” concerned with facial activity

    PDSTD - The Portsmouth Dynamic Spontaneous Tears Database

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    The vast majority of research on human emotional tears has relied on posed and static stimulus materials. In this paper, we introduce the Portsmouth Dynamic Spontaneous Tears Database (PDSTD), a free resource comprising video recordings of 24 female encoders depicting a balanced representation of sadness stimuli with and without tears. Encoders watched a neutral film and a self-selected sad film and reported their emotional experience for 9 emotions. Extending this initial validation, we obtained norming data from an independent sample of naïve observers (N = 91, 45 females) who watched videos of the encoders during three time phases (neutral, pre-sadness, sadness), yielding a total of 72 validated recordings. Observers rated the expressions during each phase on 7 discrete emotions, negative and positive valence, arousal, and genuineness. All data were analyzed by means of general linear mixed modelling (GLMM) to account for sources of random variance. Our results confirm the successful elicitation of sadness, and demonstrate the presence of a tear effect, i.e., a substantial increase in perceived sadness for spontaneous dynamic weeping. To our knowledge, the PDSTD is the first database of spontaneously elicited dynamic tears and sadness that is openly available to researchers. The stimuli can be accessed free of charge via OSF from https://osf.io/uyjeg/?view_only=24474ec8d75949ccb9a8243651db0abf

    A Review of Dynamic Datasets for Facial Expression Research

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    Temporal dynamics have been increasingly recognized as an important component of facial expressions. With the need for appropriate stimuli in research and application, a range of databases of dynamic facial stimuli has been developed. The present article reviews the existing corpora and describes the key dimensions and properties of the available sets. This includes a discussion of conceptual features in terms of thematic issues in dataset construction as well as practical features which are of applied interest to stimulus usage. To identify the most influential sets, we further examine their citation rates and usage frequencies in existing studies. General limitations and implications for emotion research are noted and future directions for stimulus generation are outlined

    Human and machine recognition of dynamic and static facial expressions: prototypicality, ambiguity, and complexity

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    A growing body of research suggests that movement aids facial expression recognition. However, less is known about the conditions under which the dynamic advantage occurs. The aim of this research was to test emotion recognition in static and dynamic facial expressions, thereby exploring the role of three featural parameters (prototypicality, ambiguity, and complexity) in human and machine analysis. In two studies, facial expression videos and corresponding images depicting the peak of the target and non-target emotion were presented to human observers and the machine classifier (FACET). Results revealed higher recognition rates for dynamic stimuli compared to non-target images. Such benefit disappeared in the context of target-emotion images which were similarly well (or even better) recognised than videos, and more prototypical, less ambiguous, and more complex in appearance than non-target images. While prototypicality and ambiguity exerted more predictive power in machine performance, complexity was more indicative of human emotion recognition. Interestingly, recognition performance by the machine was found to be superior to humans for both target and non-target images. Together, the findings point towards a compensatory role of dynamic information, particularly when static-based stimuli lack relevant features of the target emotion. Implications for research using automatic facial expression analysis (AFEA) are discussed

    Human and machine validation of 14 databases of dynamic facial expressions

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    With a shift in interest toward dynamic expressions, numerous corpora of dynamic facial stimuli have been developed over the past two decades. The present research aimed to test existing sets of dynamic facial expressions (published between 2000 and 2015) in a cross-corpus validation effort. For this, 14 dynamic databases were selected that featured facial expressions of the basic six emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise) in posed or spontaneous form. In Study 1, a subset of stimuli from each database (N = 162) were presented to human observers and machine analysis, yielding considerable variance in emotion recognition performance across the databases. Classification accuracy further varied with perceived intensity and naturalness of the displays, with posed expressions being judged more accurately and as intense, but less natural compared to spontaneous ones. Study 2 aimed for a full validation of the 14 databases by subjecting the entire stimulus set (N = 3812) to machine analysis. A FACS-based Action Unit (AU) analysis revealed that facial AU configurations were more prototypical in posed than spontaneous expressions. The prototypicality of an expression in turn predicted emotion classification accuracy, with higher performance observed for more prototypical facial behavior. Furthermore, technical features of each database (i.e., duration, face box size, head rotation, and motion) had a significant impact on recognition accuracy. Together, the findings suggest that existing databases vary in their ability to signal specific emotions, thereby facing a trade-off between realism and ecological validity on the one end, and expression uniformity and comparability on the other

    Phylogenetic inference using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) in the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae in the United Kingdom relative to a European framework

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    The poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae), an obligatory blood feeding ectoparasite, is primarily associated with laying hens where it is estimated to cause losses of ~€231 million per annum to European farmers. Moderate to high infestation levels result in negative impacts on hen welfare, including increased cannibalism, irritation, feather pecking, restlessness, anaemia and mortality. Acaricides are currently the prevailing method of population control for D. gallinae, although resistance against some classes of acaricide has been widely reported. The development of resistance highlights a growing need for research into alternative control methods, including the development of a suitable and effective vaccine. Understanding the genetic structure of D. gallinae populations can support improved management of acaricide resistance and sustainability of future vaccines, but limited data are currently available. The aim of this study was to characterise D. gallinae isolates from Europe, targeting the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene to gain an insight into population structure and genetic diversity of currently circulating mites. Dermanyssus gallinae isolates were collected from Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Genomic DNA was extracted from individual adult D. gallinae mites and a 681bp fragment of the COI gene was amplified and sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses of 195 COI sequences confirmed the presence of multiple lineages across Europe with 76 distinct haplotypes split across three main haplogroups and six sub-haplogroups. Importantly there is considerable inter- and intra-country variation across Europe, which could result from the movement of poultry or transfer of contaminated equipment and/or materials and husbandry practices

    Competing energy scales in topological superconducting heterostructures

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    Artificially engineered topological superconductivity has emerged as a viable route to create Majorana modes. In this context, proximity-induced super-conductivity in materials with a sizable spin-orbit coupling has been intensively investigated in recent years. Although there is convincing evidence that superconductivity may indeed be induced, it has been difficult to elucidate its topological nature. Here, we engineer an artificial topological superconductor by progressively introducing superconductivity (Nb), strong spin-orbital coupling (Pt), and topological states (Bi2Te3). Through spectroscopic imaging of superconducting vortices within the bare s-wave superconducting Nb and within proximitized Pt and Bi2Te3 layers, we detect the emergence of a zero-bias peak that is directly linked to the presence of topological surface states. Our results are rationalized in terms of competing energy trends which are found to impose an upper limit to the size of the minigap separating Majorana and trivial modes, its size being ultimately linked to fundamental materials properties